The following terms and definitions apply to MPO activities only.


The process by which the MPO verifies that New MCPs applications are complete and ready to be evaluated and ranked via the New MPO Evaluation and Ranking (E&R) Process and the highest-ranked New MCPs within the Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) recommended for possible inclusion into the designated Fiscal Year of the Five-Year Plan.

Fiscal Year

The County’s fiscal year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. For example, Fiscal Year 2020 begins October 1, 2019, and ends September 30, 2020.

Five-Year Plan

The County Commission approved schedule of Transportation Surtax-funded capital improvement projects over a rolling period of the next five Fiscal Years. The plan for the next five years begins with the stated fiscal year.

Independent Cost Estimate

A cost estimate prepared by an organization independent of the applicant.

MAP Administration

The County’s Mobility Advancement Program Administration staff.

Municipal Capital Projects (MCPs)

MCPs are improvements legally eligible for funding with surtax proceeds. For more information on additional eligibility requirements and funding restrictions, see Section III of the Second Amendment. Our Document Portal includes a full copy of the Second Amendment.

Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG)

Broward County’s funding commitment to participating municipalities to utilize at least ten percent (10%) of the Transportation Surtax proceeds to fund four (4) programs: Community Shuttle Service, MCPs, Municipal Rehabilitation and Maintenance (R&M) projects, and Municipal Project Contingency costs.

MPO Surtax Staff

The MPO personnel and contractors hired by the MPO who are responsible for the evaluation, ranking, and recommendation of New MCPs.

New Municipal Capital Projects (New MCPs)

All Municipal Capital Projects (MCPs) other than the FY2020 Approved Project List/Cycle 1 Ranked projects (i.e., projects not included in the FY2020 Approved Projects list).

Oversight Board

An independent Transportation Surtax Oversight Board established by the Broward County Code of Ordinances (Section 31 ½ -75).

Recommended New MCPs

New MCPs applications that have undergone the MPO’s evaluation and ranking process and are the highest-ranked New MCPs within the Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) of the designated Fiscal Year of the Five-Year Plan. The MPO submits this list of projects to the County for approval on June 1st of each year.

Second Amendment

The Second Amendment to the interlocal agreement governing the use of surtax proceeds for MCPs was agreed to by Broward County, the municipalities, and the Broward MPO. The MPO Board adopted the Second Amendment on January 28, 2021.

Transportation Surtax

The 30-year one percent (1%) countywide surtax to support transportation within the County.